The vacation is over and the mission trip to Nepal is underway! Here are Pastor Ron’s first photos and thoughts from the trip!
View #1 of Nepal from hotel balconyView #2 of Nepal from hotel balcony
There is a great deal of poverty here as you well know – this has not changed. In fact, it still all looks to same, except for more people, pollution and poverty. Technology is advancing but very slowly. Traffic everywhere! Horns honking all the time and for good reason, as there are few intersections and really no stop signs, or any street signs for that matter, so people make it up as they go along, which makes for a roller coaster of a ride! -Pastor Ron
Neighborhood from hotel window
Neighborhood from hotel window
First order of business in Nepal was to meet with Pastors Timothy and Pastor Jay Kant to discuss the details and schedule of the mission trip. There are logistics to work out for the receipt and distribution of 100 water filters and determining how best to spend the resources that we have been given to have the most impact in helping people and sharing the love of God to those in need.
Pastor Timothy and Pastor Jay KantPastor Meeting to launch mission trip
Staying hydrated with clean drinking water!Cabs so small, we barely fit!
Stay tuned for more photos from Pastor Ron’s first week in Nepal!