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Love Beyond Borders Nepali New Year Celebration

We could not think of a better way to ring in the New Year than to celebrate all that was accomplished in Nepal this past year!  With the help of our sponsors and our local Nepalese contacts, we were able to accomplish great things for the indigenous people of Nepal!  Through some hard work, donations, fundraising, and charitable matching programs, we were blessed with enough resources to have a direct impact on those who desperately needed our help.

If you have been following us, then you have seen details of how we have helped people by providing clean drinking water, shelter, blankets, clothing, shoes, and medical treatment.  We were even able to bless an orphanage with a new stove, food, books, backpacks and other much needed schools supplies.  When you put it all together, we helped over 500 people this last year alone, what a remarkable achievement!

We had high hopes for a successful 2017 and were especially thrilled to see that all our efforts paid off!  Especially, how in the face of harsh conditions, illness, and the uncertainties of social, political and religious tension, the work continued uninterrupted.  It takes a special group of people, with big HEARTS, to leave family members, friends and the comforts of home, to provide aid to those looking for a reason to hope, thousands of miles away.

Ever since we first began providing humanitarian aid to the impoverished people of Nepal, nearly 10 years ago, the experience has only strengthened our resolve to reach even more impoverished people in the years to come.

Love Beyond Boards, a branch of Sole Ministries, has become well known in multiple regions of Nepal, as “the people from America who help everyone in need!”  This is something wonderful and miraculous to celebrate and something we are all very proud of!

For all of this, we praise God and celebrate His goodness!  We thank the Lord for helping us fulfill His directives of serving others in need, as in the Bible according to 1 John 3:17:  “But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?”