In preparation of our upcoming mission trip to Nepal, we would like to share some reports that we get from the Pastors that we support there. This report is from Pastor Reuben, in his own words, who is taking care of a large group of orphans who’s families were killed in the devastating 2015 earthquake. We want to share the detailed authenticity of his reporting to help you experience this journey with us to the other side of the world in Nepal. Thank you for your support!
Excerpts from Pastor Reuben’s report received 10/24/17:
Painting in the orphanage building in village
Look at this wonderful white building in the middle of the field. Is not this beautiful? I look to this building and start to imagine how good God was over the past who helped us cross so many obstacle. It will be complete very soon and the orphans will start to come but there is a prayer we need to pray. We have thirty Children now and we will very carefully select who will go here. I want to thank for each person who helped us put the brick in the wall. I really appreciate all. There are furniture need to be put, bathrooms and others need to set up. I believe God will give us everything we need for this orphanage.
I want to read the passage we all read, about children. Jesus said, let the children come to me. Don’t stop them. For the kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these Children. ‘Mathew 19:14.
In summer we had to stop working because there was great flood that really damage south part of Nepal and the Orphanage is in the south part of East Nepal. We have come to this far and there has been many up and down, but thank be to God who brought this dream into reality. We need your prayer for the paper work for the registration of orphanage that it will go ahead as God wills. This is first layer of painting, and when painting is fully done, it will look beautiful.
We had team come from Teen Mission aged 13-18 and they helped us build a separate kitchen house for orphan kids and some room for the guests. I really appreciate for their hard work. They bought the materials and worked themselves. What a privilege. I would like to have more teams come to Nepal and help us in orphanage, in school and in Church in Nepal.
We have lovely Children in Urlabari. Look at them, they look so happy and healthy. It is because of your prayer and support. If I say thousand times thank you, it will still be less. There are thousands of Children in Nepal, but we are glad we could change some. May your reward in Heaven be great. There are more children who need support like this.
Names of children: Saroj Rai in Red, Ashika Rai in green, Yakesh Rai in behind Saroj, and center back Yashika Rai and me, Reuben in Urlabari, Morang Nepal.
We thank you for this team who came and help us in Nepal to extend the orphanage. We pray and expect more teams to visit and help us in needed project.
Teen Mission who came to help build orphanage kitchen enjoying their time in National Park in Chitwan, Nepal.
Children to the Park
Children were so happy to visit the whoopie land during the great festival in Nepal. Christians are minority in numbers, and we are surrounded by Hindu tradition. We do not want our Children to feel lonely in festival, so we took them to Whoopie land.
Kathmandu Orphan Children enjoy their time in Whoopie Land
Raising Children is very big responsibility. When I was child I never had chance to visit any of these park. Children we care today are privileged children. They have good food then we did, good clothes then we and they have chances to visit national parks and whoopie lands and zoo. This is because of your support and thank you to you all for your love.
I want to thank all friends and partners for giving me opportunity to serve Children. After the Earthquake my ministry has been dramatically changed for the good. We rescued Children and studying now and hope they will have better future.